Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Attended a fabulous church service in Jerusalem Sunday night. "King of Kings Church" is a messianic congregation in the new Jappa St Shopping Complex with lively resturants, specialty shops and bistros.
It was such a wonderful experience to worship with full gospel Jewish believers from Jerusalem and visitors from around the world. The praise and worship was wonderful! The pastor Wayne Hilesden is a true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He taught on intercession and it was one of the best I have heard. They have a prayer tower on the 14 floor of the building and they are standing on the promises of God for Jerusalem, that it will be ready to recieve her King when He returns, and they as a congregation are doing their best to have a people prepared!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Praise be to the Lord for His healing power still working today. I was getting sick today but I asked the Lord for healing and believed He would hear and answer my prayer and He did. What a wonderful Savior and King we serve. I have never heard my lungs rattle and wheeze like they were doing today, plus I was cold and couldn't seem to get warm.  The enemy was telling me I had pneumonia but I told him he was a liar and thr father of it. I said "I submit myself to God in Jesus' name, but I resist the devil and he must flee from me"!  It wasnt long before I was feeling much better. Praise the Lord.

View of the old walled city of Jerusalem

The Garden Tomb where Christ arose,

Close up of the Damascus gate

Such beautiful food and people!

Jewish friends gather for shabbot

Friday, March 7, 2014

Shabbot Celebration with Jewish seekers

Greetings from the City of the Great King,
Hallelujah to Jesus for this holy day as I was invited by some Jewish youths to celebrate their Sabbath meal with them. It was the most lavish vegan meal I have ever seen. (See photos)
These young men & women told me they are seeking truth. I spoke to them about Jesus being alive and with us testifying of the miracles I have witnessed myself. The conversation ended with me telling them to simply pray and ask the Lord if He is real, show me! The host asked me to pray over the meal and I blessed it in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior, Jeshua. No one seemed too upset over it either, TYJ! I prayed for  the host when he walked me home that all sense of guilt would be washed away  by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. I believe Jesus ministered to the young mans heart.

1st Day In Jerusalem

From Jerusalem, the City of the King, Blessings!
The ministry house is right outside the old city across from Damascus gate and the Garden Tomb. It seemed that I had been with Jesus when I awoke this morning, and when I saw how close I was to the garden area I understood why, His presence is so strong there. I was given a tour of the market area that the ministry house is nestled in. Bread and sweet treats are baked fresh every morning. Amazing produce abounds everywhere,. I have never seen such hugh cauliflower and cabbages!  Last night Olga, a lovely lady from the Ukraine, feed me rolls with a creamy white cheese. It was so good! Blessings to you all and shalom until I post again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Leaving for Israel!

I've just about got everything ready to go. Laura will come pick me up in the morning to take me to the airport. I'm excited to be going to the city of the great King, Jerusalem! I'm going to be working with the Living Bread International Church there in Jerusalem. :)