Friday, March 7, 2014

Shabbot Celebration with Jewish seekers

Greetings from the City of the Great King,
Hallelujah to Jesus for this holy day as I was invited by some Jewish youths to celebrate their Sabbath meal with them. It was the most lavish vegan meal I have ever seen. (See photos)
These young men & women told me they are seeking truth. I spoke to them about Jesus being alive and with us testifying of the miracles I have witnessed myself. The conversation ended with me telling them to simply pray and ask the Lord if He is real, show me! The host asked me to pray over the meal and I blessed it in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior, Jeshua. No one seemed too upset over it either, TYJ! I prayed for  the host when he walked me home that all sense of guilt would be washed away  by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. I believe Jesus ministered to the young mans heart.

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