Friday, March 7, 2014

1st Day In Jerusalem

From Jerusalem, the City of the King, Blessings!
The ministry house is right outside the old city across from Damascus gate and the Garden Tomb. It seemed that I had been with Jesus when I awoke this morning, and when I saw how close I was to the garden area I understood why, His presence is so strong there. I was given a tour of the market area that the ministry house is nestled in. Bread and sweet treats are baked fresh every morning. Amazing produce abounds everywhere,. I have never seen such hugh cauliflower and cabbages!  Last night Olga, a lovely lady from the Ukraine, feed me rolls with a creamy white cheese. It was so good! Blessings to you all and shalom until I post again.


  1. So glad to hear from you, and that you are well. I am truly envious that you have this opportunity, but I am glad for you as well. I read a book recently that had the following statement: courage to serve, power to submit, and greatness in humility. That is how we are to be, as imitators of Christ. Love you! Andrew.

  2. I'm so glad to hear all is well. Seeing you on the video call was great too. Keep us updated. Love ya! Laura
